Sunday, November 25, 2012

Marilyn Monroe Plastic Surgery

There are many rumors surrounding the unforgettable Marilyn Monroe, one of which is her plastic surgeries.

Marilyn Monroe is said to have gone under the surgeon's knife for a nose job and chin surgery in 1946, when she first signed with Twentieth Centry-Fox Studios - this coincided with the name change and dying her hair blonde

In detail, it is rumored that in 1950 her Hollywood agent, Johnny Hyde, arranged for her to have her nose and chin surgically perfected. The details for the procedures are unknown. It was speculated that they removed a piece of dead cartlidge from her nose and added cartlidge to her chin. The studio people called Marilyn a "chinless wonder."

Monroe also had her teeth fixed prior to the shooting of Ladies of the Chorus in 1948. Dr. Walter Taylor, an orthodontist specializing in cosmetic surgery, perfected her front teeth, which protruded slightly. Marilyn's front teeth were straightened but we should keep in mind that dental work isn't classified as plastic surgery

On the other hand, there are some plastic surgeon experts who don't think the piece of dead cartlidge removed from the tip of her nose as a plastic surgery procedure, but more of a breathing hazard. There are also others who doubt Marilyn had a chin implant,  because plastic surgery like that was very uncommon in the late 1940's

It is rumored that Marilyn also had her hairline raised. There are no reports of breast augmentation.

It has to be noted that celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Norman Leaf of Beverly Hills, who has 35 years of experience with Hollywood celebrities but never operated on her, talked about Marilyn Monroe's nose job and chin implant in his new book: "Are Those Real? True Tales of Plastic Surgery from Beverly Hills":  "Though Monroe was never his patient, Leaf inherited her surgical chart from his former partner, Michael Gurdin, a prominent plastic surgeon in Hollywood after World War II. The first entry in the chart is July 14, 1958. In handwritten notes, says Leaf, Gurdin details Monroe's 1950 chin implant surgery. Eight years later, the collagen implant had absorbed and all that remained was a tiny scar under Monroe's chin".

"There was no notation about the star's earlier nose job, but Leaf writes: "Gurdin had told me several times that he and (associate John) Pangman had also performed a tip rhinoplasty on her"- in other words, reshaping the soft cartilage", Leaf claimed.

It has to be mentioned that Leaf's book has attracted some praise from celebrities, including plastic surgery addict Joan Rivers. Rivers was quoted as saying: "From the very first sentence I couldn't put it down. This book is smart, funny, and...well, I could go on and on but I have stop raving about it because its time for my Botox."

Those who insist Marilyn didn't have any kind of plastic surgery, they claim that without medical records which prove Marilyn's plastic surgery procedures, there is no evidence of  procedures actually done. 

Marilyn was told in the mid 1940's to smile differently because her top lip would raise above her teeth and gums would be noticeable.

Judging by the before and after photos,  there is a distinct difference in the shape of her nose, which went from bulbous to slender and her chin was more rounded.

Just in case you are curious about Marilyn Monroe's opinion about plastic surgery, Monroe was quoted as saying: "I want to grow old without facelifts...I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I've made. Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age, to die young, but then you'd never complete your life, would you? You'd never wholly know you." 

What do you think? Did Marilyn Monroe have plastic surgery?

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