Monday, January 21, 2013

Kardashians fake 911 call: Cops duped, Kim upset over ‘swatting’

Kardashians fake 911 call: Cops duped, Kim upset over ‘swatting’

Kardashians fake 911 call: Cops duped, Kim upset over swatting The Kardashians fake 911 call Friday began at the family’s former residence and ended at the home of Bruce and Kris Jenner. The alleged “swatting” hoax ruffled the feathers of a pregnant Kim Kardashian, who gave the pranksters a piece of her mind on social media.

Kim and Bruce Jenner became the latest victims of the new so-called “swatting prank” on Jan. 18, according to a Jan. 19 Huffington Post report. The Kardashians fake 911 call caused quite a stir in Los Angeles Friday.

View slideshow: Kardashians ‘swatting’ call
The prank involves someone phoning in a prank 911 call similar to the Kardashian’s to make police believe there is a crime in progress or hostage situation.

In that situation, police were called out to the family’s former Malibu home over an alleged shooter incident.

Heavily-armed police arrived in full-force in response to the “crisis situation” at residence. However, as officers cordoned off the area and helicopters swarmed overhead, officials soon realized the home was vacant.Next, they headed over to the family’s current Hidden Hills residence 20 miles away, ordered Bruce, Kris, Kylie and Kendall out of the home for a search.

Moments later, they realized the Kardashians, with the fake 911 call, were likely swatted. In the end, it was a waste of time and resources.

Kim Kardashian lashed out about the recent shooter hoax at her parent’s home. The pregnant mom-to-be took to Twitter and said this:

“These prank calls are NOT funny! People can get arrested for this! I hope they find out who is behind this. Its dangerous & not a joke!”

The Kardashians fake 911 call places the family in the company with other celebrities who’ve fallen victim to the latest swatting craze.

Tom Cruise, Justin Bieber, Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus and others have been targets of pranksters in the past.

Full article at: Celebrity Gossip