Monday, January 21, 2013

The one guy who didn’t like Beyonce’s performance

The one guy who didn’t like Beyonce’s performance

If you were watching the inauguration of Barack Obama’s second term as the President of the United States, then you might have caught Beyonce’s incredible performance of their national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. But did you see this guy? The ONE GUY IN THE WORLD WHO DIDN’T ENJOY BEYONCE’S performance? He also kinda looks like this guy. Or maybe this guy.

What could have been running through his mind? We have some theories:

1. ‘Nuclear really sucked. Like, really.’
2. ‘I thought we were going to have Bon Jovi, not Beyonce.’
3. ‘I was told there would be cake. Cake cake cake. Cakey cake cake. WHERE’SMYCAKE?!’
4. ‘Why couldn’t we have done this in Hawaii?’
5. ‘I bet no one’s gonna ask me who I’m wearing. It’s Gucci, by the way.’
6. ‘I really want to meet Hova.’
7. ‘I was gonna name my kid Blue Ivy!’

Watch Beyonce in the video below and tell us what you think Grumpy Beyonce Man is thinking in the comments section!

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Full article at: Celebrity Gossip