Friday, August 6, 2010

Chris brown new movie

Don’t expect Chris Brown to shake his violent reputation anytime soon… In a recent interview the singer/actor revealed that not only did he do almost all of his own stunts in his new film Takers, but that he loved doing them because he finds blasting gats and blowing shizz up FUN!
In an interview with MTV News, the 21-year-old singer admitted:
“The most thrilling part about this movie is probably the stunts. “I do, like, 96 per cent of my stunts. Some stunts they wanna use the doubles; I don’t wanna use the double! And they’re like, ‘We have to for safety and insurance issues’. I think the most exciting parts are the stunts, getting to blow stuff up, shoot guns, you know what I’m saying – it’s all fun!”
We’re sure Rihanna we’ll all feel so much better about you know that we know that Chrissy… SMH.
On a more positive note, actor Matt Dillon has attested to Breezy’s stuntin’ skills after sharing a particularly suspenseful action sequence with him. Dillon’s character, Detective Jack Welles, and partner Eddie Hatcher (played by Jay Hernandez) chase Breezy’s character Jesse Attica through the streets of L.A., following him as he leaps through windows, scales buildings, jumps on cars and anything else necessary to avoid being captured.
“I’ve never had to do so much running in my life,” Dillon said about the scene. “For that sequence, we were just, like, four days straight, just running through the streets, and this kid Chris is an unbelievable athlete. This guy Chris Brown, he’s unbelievable, man. So keeping up with him was a challenge even in itself, which was perfect for our characters.”
Sounds like a hot movie fa sho, but still — Breezy stay away from the gats and stuff. Leave that shizz to