Thursday, March 10, 2011


Chris Brown shocked fans, haters, and Sisqo when he revealed his newly dyed blonde hair in a Twitpic last week. As the jokes — and a few compliments — came in, many wondered why Breezy would change his look up so drastically.
In a phone interview with Atlanta radio station Hot 107.9, Breezy chatted about his blonde ambition and gave a simple explanation for the new do.

“I just wanted to change it up, man,” Brown said, calling in from rehearsals for his Australian F.A.M.E. tour.
He admitted to seeing all of the jokes about his bleached hair, but he’s not phased by them. “I was even laughing at some of the jokes on Twitter. I got ‘gold dust,’ ‘Amber Rose,’ ‘Sisqo.’ But I just laugh at them. I don’t care about people’s opinions as much anymore.”
His new look, he says, is inspired by the feeling of the music on his new album, F.A.M.E., hitting store shelves on March 22.
“It’s just something I needed to change,” he continued. “I think artistically, where I’m at creatively, mentally with my project, with my art, me painting, and just becoming a man and just finding myself, I’m really just doing me. I’m being a rock star. If I wanna dye my hair purple tomorrow, I might just change it up. It’s all about how I’m just living life and having fun.”
And for those who connect his new do with his sexuality, Breezy made sure to kill the rumors before they start. “I’m still strictly with the ladies!” Source-neonlimelight