Friday, April 29, 2011

Jennifer Hudson believes she was descriminated when she was heavier!

In an interview with Grazia Magazine, Jennifer recently revealed that she feels like people in Hollywood discriminated against her when she was heavier.
The Grammy/Oscar winner stated that people weren’t always receptive of her image during her full figure days. And since dropping over 4 dress sizes she has been getting more endorsement deals, magazine covers, movie roles & more.
Check out a few excerpts from the interview below:

On the advantages of being slim in Hollywood:
“Last week I saw some footage of myself as I was five years ago and I was surprised. It was like I recognised myself but I didn’t. It seemed another world away. But in this slim world I do now realise I was being discriminated against. I’m offered more parts. There is much more excitement about me now.”
On Believing That It Was Normal To Be Overweight:
“I never thought I was overweight. I thought my old look was pretty normal. That was how all the girls looked growing up in Chicago. I didn’t have any problem with it. It makes me smile to think back to myself when I did ‘Dreamgirls’ with Beyonce (Knowles). I did see all these women in Hollywood, all very slim and I thought, ‘Wow, these ladies are very into themselves.’ I loved that I stood out in a room. You knew when you saw this woman it was Jennifer Hudson.”
On Adjusting To The Weight loss:
“There have been times when it’s a huge high, like when I walked the red carpet at the Oscars and people were screaming at me. Then I also had dinner with Beyonce (Knowles) and Alicia Keys and they just kept going on and on about how great I looked.”
Its sad to say that being over weight is not the image that a lot of company’s in Hollywood wants to portray.

Tell me folks do you think she was prettier heavier or she is prettier now?