Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Donald Trump Charity Donations

It is very well known that Donald Trump is one of the richest people in the world.  

Many of us (reasonably!) wonder if the $2.7billion tycoon makes charity donations.

The irony is that Donald Trump has reportedly donated just $3.7million to his foundation in 20 years!

Trump, 64, has considered running as a Republican presidential candidate and he is not even the biggest contributor to the Donald J. Trump Foundation!

Take for example, the World Wrestling Entertainment! 

According to The Smoking Gun, the World Wrestling Entertainment is the biggest donor after giving the charity $5million in return for Mr Trump’s assistance in promoting it.

Needless to say that the amount of money donated by Trump and contributions made by the group are tiny when compared to the charitable giving of many other moguls.

According to The Smoking Gun, Mr Trump’s foundation gave $1,000 to controversial Scientology programme the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Fund.

In addition it has donated $26,000 to the American Cancer Society, $5,000 to the Alzheimer’s Association and $6,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Avid golfer Mr Trump has also put $100,000 towards to the Tiger Woods Foundation.

Trump also makes many donations to several charities through mediums such as Celebrity Apprentice.

It has to be mentioned that Donald Trump claimed he is willing to spend $600million of his personal fortune to run for president in 2012, but will ask for campaign donations to meet the $1billion price tag.

"If I run, I’ll absolutely (raise funds)," Trump revealed to USA Today. "I think it’s important for voters to invest in the direction of the country."

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