Friday, October 26, 2012


As you know, HOLLYWOOD SPY likes to cover royal weddings in our posts too, and since our previous coverages of delightful royal weddings in Monaco of prince Albert and princess Charlene, in Jordan of prince Rashid and princess Zeina and in United Kingdom of 
prince William and Kate Middleton, were so popular and well visited by our readers, here's the latest one. We are a bit late, since it happened a week ago, but here is the report from the royal wedding in one of Europe's smallest countries Luxembourg with some truly 
gorgeous pictures. It was the wedding of Prince Guillaume, who is the heir to the throne and the future grand duke of Luxembourg, and his new wife Belgian Countess Stephanie de Lannoy.

As you will see in the pictures the truly lavish and utterly beautiful ceremony in the divinely decorated cathedral has gathered lots of Europe's and world's crowned heads including some kings and queens.
Among others, there were royal heads from Denmark (always delightful pair prince Frederick and his lovely wife Marry) Belgium, Norway, Serbia, Sweden, Lichtenstein, Romania, Holland, Romania and Great 
Britain (Prince Edward and his wife), and always stunning Lalla Salma, the wife of Moroccan king.

I must admit I liked princess Stephanie's dress the most from all the royal gowns we have seen recently since we have had so many royal weddings around Europe. Her gown was very simple, but gorgeously
refined with stunning lace veil which had a stunning length of four meters and was designed by world's best high fashion designer Elie Saab, who, as you know, dresses most of the elegant stars at all
the famous movie awards. The gown was also richly beaded, made of silk and lace with silver floral designs. The only thing I did not like was her hairdo, since she looks much prettier and sweeter with her long golden hair down.

Similarly to last year's royal wedding in Monaco, this one was also very expensive (they say it cost about 500,000 euro, but as you know, even though it is one of the smallest countries, Luxembourg is also one
 of the richest countries in the world since it is a financial and steel haven), and it featured vivid celebrations around the city with fireworks, concerts and street parades.

If you follow royal circles you already know that young and very handsome prince Guillaume has, for quite a long time, been one of the most attractive royal bachelors in the world, and he got engaged
with Stephanie last year. They also had a sad moment at the wedding when they held a minute of silence to Stephanie's mother who died in August.  After and before the wedding the royal couple was greeted
by adoring crowds who gathered in the streets and in front of the church and the grand-ducal palace. The couple has been enjoying great popularity and are beloved by the citizens of Luxembourg. She is two years younger than him, who is 30 years old. Guillaume is known for
his charity work and is a member of Luxembourg army, while Stephanie is a well educated young lady who, luckily, speaks both languages of Luxembourg - German and French. She will become 
Luxembourg's Grand Duchess when Guillaume takes the throne from his parents. It is interesting that he is the last of the European heirs to to throne to get married among the ones who rule the official monarchies.
PS Click on the pictures to see them in bigger size!