Even with the top personal trainers and unlimited money at their fingertips, celebrities can’t escape the fate of cellulite!
Even gorgeous Jennifer Lopez can’t obviously make the cellulite go away.
It is common knowledge that cellulite doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age!
It's estimated that some 90% of women suffer from unsightly cellulite and it knows no barriers - with even the slim and physically fit displaying signs.
According to the style director at Shape magazine, Jacqui Stafford: "Cellulite can actually affect you whether you're thin or you're heavy".
Cellulite is caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin and usually occurs around the thighs, abdomen and lower pelvic region.
Just in case you wonder what causes cellulite, the reasons vary... Hormones, genetics, lifestyle, diet and even clothing can all contribute to the formation of cellulite.
When Jennifer Lopez performed in October 2010 in Madrid, it was more than clear that J-Lo's most famous asset has fallen foul of the dreaded cellulite...
It has to be noted that Jennifer Lopez told Elle Magazine in 2007: "I couldn't ever be a size zero. I just don't see how I could get down to that size and still be healthy. I eat meat, I eat carbs, I even eat McDonald's. What I don't do is ever overeat. I don't eat desserts and I can limit the chocolate chip cookies to one or two."
Conclusion: If Jennifer Lopez has cellulite with so many trainers and nutritionists looking after her, imagine how she would look like if she couldn't afford them...So, the next time you feel bad and insecure about your body imperfections give it a second thought!
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