Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mila Kunis Jewish

Just in case you wonder if Mila Kunis is Jewish, the truth is that Kunis is Jewish.  

Kunis has revealed that she had to hide her Jewishness as a youngster in Ukraine and was miserable during her early years in the United States.

In fact, Kunis claimed that antisemitism in the former Soviet Union was one of the main reasons for her family's move to the United States. She has stated that her parents "raised (her) Jewish as much as they could," although religion was suppressed in the Soviet Union.

To be more exact, according to The Sun most of Mila's family was killed in the Holocaust and she had to hide that she was Jewish in Ukraine out of fear of persecution.

"My whole family was in the Holocaust. My grandparents passed and not many survived. After the Holocaust, in Russia you were not allowed to be religious,"
was quoted as saying Kunis.

"My parents raised me to know I was Jewish. You know who you are inside," Kunis told.

 Kunis revealed that she is happier in the U.S., where she has freedom of speech. "I’m pretty Jewish, I’ve got to say. I go "Oy" and people are like: "Oh, you’re very Jewish," Kunis continued.

"When I’m in New York, I become super-Jew. When I’m in L.A. I’m like a California surfer girl."

It has to be noted that during the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine up to 900,000 Jews were murdered. Even today, there is still prejudice against Jews and the far Right movement is strong.

Mila (born Milena) saw anti-Semitic graffiti in her school in Chernivtsi, a city in the south-west of the country.

Mila Kunis revealed: "When I was in school you would still see anti-Semitic signs. One of my friends who grew up in Russia, she was in second grade. She came home one day crying. Her mother asked why and she said on the back of her seat there was a swastika. This is a country that obviously does not want you."

It has to be mentioned that when Mila got to America, she could not speak English and her first year at school was a huge struggle. Mila claimed: "I cried every day. I didn’t understand the culture. I didn’t understand the people."

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