Monday, October 29, 2012

Nancy Wilson Quotes

1. Grammys are fine, stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - they're OK.

2. Maybe our team was a little star struck. But the turnovers had more to do with the size differential and the quickness differential.

3. It's probably more of a plus for us than it was for them.

4. We have to be committed by Feb. 1, in order to participate in the federal reimbursement.

5. I hope this contest with Adam & Eve will help us gain even more exposure as a smart sexy erotica site on the web.

6. It's great because it provides the nurse the ability to have observation, plus it allows all the patients to move forward through the process.

7. I see you've got Super Glue on your seats.

8. We've done so many versions of this song.

9. Absolutely we will rebuild. We're working with an architect and we think the facilities we rebuild will serve the community even better than before.

10. An awful lot of people doing great things. It (the catastrophe) will not be for naught. Faith and prayer will prevail. I am so proud of our churches.

11. Plenty makes dainty!

12. We see the result when we play live. All these younger and younger kids…have been coming out, which has to be "American Idol" - and "Guitar Hero" - at work.

13. "Barracuda" is usually five minutes long, so we were sweatin' it with the arrangement, and so was Fergie. We had two chances to get it right. The first two times we got it very wrong. We actually did it right when it mattered.

14. Even though there are really no original themes or stories to tell, it's more about the way you tell the story.

What do you think of Nancy Wilson's quotes?

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