Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama Wins Debate

It took until the final moments of the second presidential debate for US President Obama to finally bring up what many pundits considered would be a no-brainer for an attack on Romney: the GOP challenger’s behind-closed-doors criticism of "47%" of Americans.  

But according to the CBS News insta-poll as first reactions claim Obama won the debate 37% to Romney’s 30%. On the last question of the night, the candidates were asked what the biggest misunderstanding about them is... 

Romney insisted he want to serve "100%" of the people. Obama responded that he doesn’t believe that government creates jobs, stating he believes in self-reliance and risk-takers. 

The president’s kicker, however, was all about the 47%: "I believe when he said behind closed doors that 47 percent of the country considers themselves … think about who he was talking about."

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