Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rod Stewart Quotes

1. Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house.

2. How can my son not be straight after all I've said and done for him?

3. I'm a rock star because I couldn't be a soccer star.

4. I wish I knew what I know now before.

5. Half the battle is selling music, not singing it. It's the image, not what you sing.

6. A show is like having a climax. It's like having an incredible, natural climax. And then suddenly it's all finished, and you don't know what to do next.

7. I started singing in the bathroom. Nothing was coming out. It was ghastly.

8. I want to go out at the top, but the secret is knowing when you're at the top, it's so difficult in this business, your career fluctuates all the time, up and down, like a pair of trousers.

9. I've never been more in love with anyone nearly half my age than I am today. I'd get married in a minute if I weren't still married to somebody else.

10. Only a fool permits the letter of the law to override the spirit in the heart. Do not let a piece of paper stand in the way of true love and headlines.

11. The first cut is the deepest.

12. What I do now is all my dad's fault, because he bought me a guitar as a boy, for no apparent reason.

13. I am always crazy for hot women. I am like a rabbit. I could do it anytime, anywhere.

14. If the father is not straight naider will be the son.

15. There was no power, no range whatsoever.

16. I trust them…I just OK the schedules and I turn up to sing, basically.

17. There was nothing there. No strength. I was petrified. I was scared. This was my livelihood.

18. I know we've been trying to arrange a date for the last three or four years…I leave it up to my managers.

19. I've had tremendous success…I'm very lucky.

20. That was a turning point in my career…We've sold in excess of 3 million (copies) in the U.S. alone.

21. I was in disbelief…I play a lot of soccer, I keep fit. This doesn't happen to me. Like most people, they think it won't happen to them.

22. I'm not sure of what the potential power of the Web is, but it is something that is here to stay, so it needs to be dealt with…It's kinda cool, though, for the fans … because it makes what is basically a huge worldwide venue into an intimate one-on-one. I don't know of many concert halls that can do that.

23. I left it this long because I wanted to get it right this time.

24. I still love Rachel very, very much indeed and I hope and pray that she will eventually come back. There has been no bitter bust-up and no one else is involved. It is not about something I've done and it's not about something she has done.

25. The key to it all is trying to put my own stamp on these songs, because they have been done so many times-just not by someone who sang "Hot Legs" and "Maggie May!" Since this album will be the last one for now, I wanted to make it really special.

26. Both Penny and our baby son are gorgeous, healthy and doing well.

27. We are celebrating every moment with our beautiful boy, we just can't take our eyes off him.

28. If we can't reschedule the shows, we have to give the money back.

29. His solo career kept us together. When we toured, we'd reach more people, and with his success, it was now our success.

30. The secret is to moisturize the face. I've been doing that since I was 17 years old. (on looking young)

31. She's the only woman I've ever had a sexual fantasy about. With me, looks come first, and she's everything a woman should be. She's blonde and beautiful, she's got the most incredible legs - etcetera, etcetera. And she's French as well. (on Brigitte Bardot)

32. She was the first woman who left me. (on his former wife, Rachel Hunter, shortly after their break-up)

33. It's a marvelous occasion. We're the only country in the world to honor the common man. (on being awarded the CBE)

34. Elvis was the king. No doubt about it. People like myself, Mick Jagger and all the others only followed in his footsteps.

What do you think of Rod Stewart's quotes?

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