2. Use, don't abuse.
3. Models are there to look like mannequins, not like real people. Art and illusion are supposed to be fantasy.
4. Now when I enter a carriage, it almost empties. But there's always one brave enough to stay.
5. I've always been a rebel. I never do things the way they're supposed to be done. Either I go in the opposite direction or I create a new direction for myself, regardless of what the rules are or what society says.
6. Men are terrified of me. I can easily step into the man's shoe, and that puts the man in a position where he has to become the female. That's what sets off the tension. But my image is supposed to frighten men - so only the good ones come through.
7. After I left home I realized that I was not myself. When does one decide to be oneself? I think that's what it all comes down to. I decided first to discover life and then decide what I wanted from life - what made me happy, what was easy for me. You see, whatever one is, one must first know the truth about oneself.
8. Photographers often meet me and say: "I still haven't seen a picture of you that looks like you", as if they feel they are the one to do it. Perhaps the ability to see oneself through someone else's eyes is a kind of sixth sense. All I know is that photographers can get totally carried away and shoot until six or seven in the morning. My word, I almost killed Jarelle at age 83. He acted like he'd had a shot of adrenaline.
9. As a model one is forced to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and I just started to freak out, like I was going on the other side of the mirror. I moved every mirror out of my house when I stopped modeling.
10. I believe in having certain releases, certain outlets. One has to indulge. If you don't indulge you don't live - might as well be dead. I believe in indulging as a user and not as an abuser.
11. I enjoyed fame as a model but music was my inspiration. I began singing at parties, on table-tops in Paris, and someone saw a chance of making some money. So I quess I got lucky.
12. It doesn't surprise me that people can't see beyond my image. It's amazing but I can understand it. That's what image is for. But it's never a problem for me. It's only a problem for them. I don't really care. I do what I want regardless.
13. My look is for girls on the run. I'm always in a hurry. For me, sunglasses are eye make-up, even at night. Half of my face is sunglasses, the other half is lips - I use four colors to do my lips. My other trademark I suppose is the hood.
14. I'm so old spiritually. I feel I've already lived a very long time. I always thought I would die young. I've already passed the age I thought I would die at.
15. Society changes. We still say "sex, drugs and rock and roll" and yet I go to a private party and feel I have to ask permission to smoke a cigarette. I don't, of course. I'm not going to put that pressure on myself. If someone has problem they can come and tell me.
16. Some times one just has to - with a conscience - do things because we're human that aren't necessarily god-like. I don't believe in doing something to hurt. But I'm a free spirit. Where is the wrong? How do I put a limit to freedom? What does it mean: "scandal"? For someone else is, not a scandal for me. I can do anything.
17. Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone.
18. I communicate with my soul rather than my color, so I don't carry any chip on my shoulder about race. I could easily play a white girl. Why shouldn't I? I don't feel especially "black". I am beyond race. I can do them all.
19. People have often mistaken me for a man. But I am all woman to me! But what's a woman supposed to feel like? I like hard things. I like soft things. I go feminine, I go masculine. I change roles in life. I am both!
20. I was born to be a star. Once I decided to accept that responsibility I would not be placed in any mold that was limiting again.
21. I can't run out of different ideas. I am different. When can I run out of me?
What do you think of Grace Jones quotes?