Friday, November 23, 2012

Marilyn Monroe's Recipe For Thanksgiving

If you happen to be a huge fan of the legendary Marilyn Monroe (who isn't?) and also love cooking, here is a handwritten checklist by Marilyn for the Thanksgiving Day.

In detail, Marilyn explained how she prepared a turkey dinner, with all of the extras.

For the stuffing Marilyn used to soak a french loaf in cold water and add five herbs, spices and nuts, while to prep the bird she rubbed it with salt, pepper, and butter, before cooking it in an oven set to 350 degrees.

The notes, which feature in Fragments, a collection of her letters and musings from 1943 to her death in 1962, show that Marilyn had a passion for cooking.

Monroe wrote that giblets must be "liver-heart" and stipulated that the beef must be "browned (no oil)". She even took care to specify the quantity of the produce needed.

The most important instruction of all is right at the very top, where she claimed that "no garlic" should be added to the stuffing.

But Marilyn used little fat or broth and no eggs or binder to hold it together. To make the mix right it also needs "1 handful" of grated Parmesan and an unspecified amount of "parsley".

The final meal is presented with sides of potato, canned button mushrooms and fresh green peas.

It has to be noted that Monroe has written two cookbooks in the 1950s, which were sold off  at an auction of her personal effects in 1999.

The recipe is dated around 1955 or 1956 when Marilyn was living in New York with her husband, the playwright Arthur Miller.

Source: Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters

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