In a tragic ending to a horrifying ordeal, the little Alabama boy, Ethan, was freed from the underground bunker where he was being held hostage by Vietnam War veteran Jimmy Lee Dykes. The assailant, however, is dead — read on for more details.
After a six-day standoff, the Midland City, Ala. boy who was taken off of his school bus on Jan. 29 and held captive in an underground shelter has been safely released, but his kidnapper, Jimmy Lee Dykes, is now dead.
The child, 5-year-old Ethan, was spotted emerging from the underground bunker safely, officials tell CNN. Ethan was taken to a hospital in nearby Dothan, Alabama state Rep. Steve Clouse tells CNN.
Steve Richardson, FBI FBI Special Agent in Charge at the scene, said that the kidnapper was “observed holding a gun,” according to CNN. The FBI team thought little Ethan was in immediate danger, so they entered the underground bunker at 3:12 Central time to retrieve him.
Special Agent Richardson also added that Jimmy is now dead. No other details were immediately available.
Jimmy Lee Dykes Allegedly Kills Bus Driver & Kidnaps Ethan
Jimmy boarded a school bus on Jan. 29 and killed bus driver Charles Albert Poland Jr. after shooting him four times. He told all of the kids to exit the bus, but little Ethan fainted — and Jimmy kidnapped him, and took him to his underground bunker nearby, where they stayed for six agonizing days while police and the FBI tried to negotiate with the hostage-taker.
Jimmy Lee Dykes was described as a loner with a distrust of the government. Neighbors also described the underground bunker on the man’s property as being 4 feet long, 6 feet wide and 8 feet deep, with power, a TV and plenty of food and supplies.
What do YOU think of Ethan finally being freed HollyMoms?
– Christina Stiehl
More Tragic Kidnapping News:
- Alabama Boy, 5, Held Hostage For Four Days, Parents 'Hanging On'
- Gunman Kills School Bus Driver & Holds 5-Year-Old Boy Hostage
- Neighbor Arrested For Kidnapping & Murdering Girl, 10, Two Decades Ago
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